Celebrating with my dissertation committee at Northwestern (Bill Leonard, Thom McDade, Julienne Rutherford, and Chris Kuzawa) after my defense.
I completed my dissertation in Anthropology at Northwestern University in 2023, advised by Chris Kuzawa. I am now a postdoctoral researcher in the Anthropology Department at the University of Illinois Chicago, where I work with Katie Starkweather on projects related to maternal and child health among the Shodagor of Bangladesh.
I apply evolutionary theory and a developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) framework to human reproductive biology. I’m interested in how energetic experiences shape lifetime metabolic strategy, and in turn, how reproductive investment is mediated across environmental contexts. I’m currently working on identifying the mechanisms underlying intergenerational signals of past matrilineal experience and predictive adaptive responses in humans. Feel free to get in touch if you work on these topics- new collaborations are always welcome.